This week has the potential to create security within a romantic connection for all signs in astrology, but beware! For those who are not with the right partner, their true colors may be revealed. The week starts off with the Capricorn Moon in conjunction with Venus in Capricorn, which creates a sense of safety with those we are romantically involved with. Communication will be easier than normal and it will feel as it once did for many who are in long-term established relationships. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Heal From Heartache During Chiron Retrograde In Aries, December 2 -19, 2021 However, as the week progresses with Venus in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn we may find that our partner’s loyalties are not where they claimed to lie. While we may be feeling dreamy with our partners we may find that we are uncomfortable with boundaries that have yet to be determined. There is an intense need to draw a firm line in regards to our limits and have them be honored. While some may find that it takes a little practice which will lead to a more secure bond, others may find that their partner can not hold to the expectation of hearing “No.” This can lead to the dissolution of relationships we thought were our one true love, but will show us who we are outside of the connection.


(March 19 - April 19) Aries, if you are unsatisfied within your romantic connection it’s important to consider leaving, but not for the idea that your life will magically get better with this separation. There will be hard days if you choose to go this way, but leaving one person doesn’t mean that life improves, especially if you’re looking anywhere but inward. Happy days start with pouring that love you give to others into yourself. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs That Know How To Be Alone (And Actually Prefer It That Way)


(April 20 - May 20) Taurus, this week anyone who has an immature mentality will drive you absolutely bonkers. You do not have time to settle for someone that you feel you have to teach. You want someone who is on par to you and can keep up with you, emotionally and intelligently. Keep your standards high; they’re worth upholding. RELATED: The 6 Most Immature Zodiac Signs Who Really Need To Grow Up Already


(May 21 - June 20) Gemini, if you’re looking for someone to pour your heart into and wondering where that someone special is, have you considered that you may already know them? The person your heart has been longing for may already be an established friend you hadn’t considered before. As long as boundaries are honored, there’s no reason to see if there’s anything more to your already established connection. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Fall In Love Quickly Vs. Those That Get Bored Easily In Relationships


(June 21 - July 22) Cancer, diving into a relationship is something you always strive to be able to do. When you commit you’re in it for the long haul and love to see where an infatuation can take you. This time, though, be sure to establish your emotional needs early on. Don’t jeopardize what you need out of a romantic connection for the comfort of others. Be upfront. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Unintentionally Self-Sabotages Themselves


(July 23 - August 22) Leo, if someone is catching your eye this week you should investigate. Don’t worry so much about what other people will think of this new love affair but rather if you feel that your needs are being met. If someone out of the ordinary has caught your eye it’s because they’re extraordinary. Give them the time of day. RELATED: Why He Stopped Having An Affair With You, By Zodiac Sign


(August 23 - September 22) Virgo, often you find that you express yourself romantically by doing good for others. However, they may need to hear it, too. This week try to make it known to your partner how much they matter in their own language, not just yours. The effort will be greatly appreciated and recognized by them. RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign’s Unique Love Language, Per Astrology


(September 23 - October 22) Libra, you may find this week that while you love having someone you can be romantic with that you may be craving a steady connection instead. You may need more support from your partner than they can give affectionately. You need a friend in these moments and you may need to ask your lover to wear more than one hat so you can get the support you need. RELATED: These 6 Supportive Zodiac Signs Always Have Your Back


(October 23 - November 21) Scorpio, this week you may need to ask your lovers, especially if they live with you, for some time of solitude. You may be craving a staycation and would rather not have to go out and spend money on dates. The way to your heart this week is through home cooked meals and comforting nights at home. You don’t need anything grand, just some peace of mind and a sense of safety. RELATED: The Gorgeous Travel Destination Your Zodiac Sign Should Experience This Year


(November 22 - December 21) Sagittarius, you are feeling very flirty this week, but are you aware that some lines are blurring? You want to be pleased, but your expectations are so high that it may be impossible to achieve. Let your partners know directly what you’re seeking instead of being too playful about something this serious. You’re in need, don’t worry about being upfront asking for it. RELATED: 5 Playful Zodiac Signs Who Don’t Take Things Too Seriously


(December 22 - January 19) Capricorn, if you’re comfortable in your connection and finally feel like you can expect what comes next in the relationship, it comes with no joy to tell you that this will be the root of your anxiousness this week. You may start doubting your long term commitments and start poking holes in connections that feel solid. Take a deep breath and have the conversation. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are Insecure Vs. Confident, Ranked From Most To Least


(January 20 - February 18) Aquarius, it is smooth sailing this week in your connection. You have the capability of bringing harmony even to your tumultuous relationship, especially in your expert ways of opening up and listening. Be warned though, that getting someone comfortable in this when you cannot maintain the peacekeeping sets you up for disaster later. RELATED: The 6 Most Careless Zodiac Signs


(February 19 - March 20) Pisces, be honest about your feelings with your partner. It can be a proclamation to say “I love you!” for the first time or the final ditch effort of “I don’t think this is working.” Allow your truth to be spoken and see what is to follow. RELATED: The Most (And Least) Brutally Honest Zodiac Signs In Astrology — Ranked Tea Jones is a tarotist, psychic, and certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner who writes about spirituality, witchcraft, tarot, and divination. You can find out more at her website.