RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For August 8 – 14, 2022

What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday, August 11, 2022:


Make time for friendships, Aries. When you fall in love with someone new, don’t forget that your friends are always there for you when you need them. Remember to keep life in balance and that may mean making room for love and also time with your best friends.


You can learn so much from others when it comes to love. Today, become a student of romance. Dive into the language of love itself and see how others cultures care for their partner. You may find the exploration of love to be super intriguing you today.


Give your cares over to the universe, Gemini. There are times when you have to entrust the one you love to a higher power. The universe is always speaking, so simply ask for your partner’s heart to hear whatever message that they need to hear in order to grow more in love.


Today is the perfect time to consider matters related to death, inheritance, and long-term care. While these topics are rarely pleasant to speak about, it’s much better for everyone if a plan is in place before it is needed.


It’s time to bring a spark back into your love life, Leo. With the Moon transiting your sector of partnerships, the next few days are perfect for planning a date night. If you’re single and looking, perhaps reopen your online profile and give online dating another chance.


It’s time to work on your health and perhaps you can enlist your partner’s support by having them workout with you or plan healthy meals together. You may enjoy learning about your significant other’s exercise preferences. Talk about your fitness goals and how you can be there for each other to help meet them.


Today is the perfect day for a double date or to go out with friends. On days when the Moon is in your sector of romance and creativity, try something new and fun. Perhaps visit a restaurant that has entertainment including karaoke or dancing.


With the internet, video chatting, and all forms of visual communication, there’s no reason for you to not be more connected with a family who lives long distance. Schedule a family video chat or be spontaneous and call someone you love out of the blue just to say hello.


Today is the perfect day for updating your podcast list and choosing speakers who focus on love, relationships, and self-care. This is the perfect time to reset priorities and for putting love at the top of your list.


There are so many ways to be generous and kind toward others. If you love to participate in philanthropic events, the next few days may have you wanting to make time for helping others. Pick a cause you feel passionate about so that your volunteering is dedicated to something that you love.


It’s time to work on self-care and healing, Aquarius. With the Moon entering your sign, you are given a gift of insight on matters that you need to improve. Don’t overlook the necessity of working on yourself in order to have the type of love life you desire. When you work on yourself, Aquarius, everyone wins.


Be true to yourself, Pisces, and release your obligations to the past. Sometimes you think that focusing on the past will help you to understand it better and that this will improve your life now. The problem is that your past may have lessons to teach you, but it’s better to glance and learn so you can live more present in the now and the future. Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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