Leo is heart-opening energy. One that asks you to align with your greatest feelings so that you can tap into them, embracing the power that they hold. You will become more courageous and also crave a more deeply passionate life which will not just extend to your personal life but will help you in your professional one as well. There is dynamic energy associated with the fire sign of Leo that brings in themes of openness, love, determination, bravery, risk-taking, warmth, generosity and pride. Through this avenue, you can take this energy and tap into it to bring it forward into your own life. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Fall Apart During The Moon Trine Saturn On Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Think about where you have been settling or delaying happiness for another time and instead recognize your own inner worthiness so that you can create the life you dream of now and not in some far distant future. Leo rules the heart and so affects those aspects of your life that are the closest to it, such as children, family and even your relationship. This is a beautiful energy that will allow you to recognize what your heart has been trying to tell you so that you can tap into it. Leo is a fire sign, but because it rules the Sun, there is also a lot of creative energy here that you can use to manifest action. While the Moon will be in Cancer for a portion of the day, it will benefit the Leo New Moon so that you can reflect on your external home and the internal home that you have within yourself. Jupiter in Aries will also be turning retrograde tomorrow and will factor heavily into this lunation, making you feel more ready to make changes so that you can follow your deepest passion. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For August 2022 If you have been thinking or dreaming of something for some time, it’s not impulsive to suddenly no longer want to wait. Still, you recognize that you do deserve to put your happiness first.

On Tuesday, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces are the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for July 27, 2022.

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Welcome to the beginning of the future you’ve been dreaming of. Today the Moon will still linger in Cancer, giving you the chance to reflect on the themes of where you call home and how that has changed as you have grown and matured into the self that you currently are. As evening falls, you will return to your inner self and the home you have created there. This will bring to light what matters most to you and what you feel most passionately driven to pursue and create. By tapping into this energy, you can formulate your next steps forward. The most important thing is to remember the animal symbolism associated with your sign, the lion. The lion is courageous and brave, trusts itself, and recognizes that it can go wherever it desires. This is also yours, but you must make sure you have released all of the past doubt or conditioning that has tried to tell you differently. You can recreate your life during this New Moon or even make those small adjustments you’ve been seeking to bring about greater happiness. The simplest way to look for where and what kind of change you’re seeking is to get clear about what is bringing you joy and what isn’t. RELATED: The Spirit Animal That Best Represents Your Zodiac Sign

2. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Leo is the sign opposite yours which means that whenever there is planetary movement here, it brings the focus to your romantic life. This area has been going through a reconstruction phase as you’ve had to work through past wounds and stronger communication since the start of the year. Leo wants you to remember and learn where your heart is. When you know where your heart is, everything else becomes clearer, and it also becomes easier to follow it. This means you can’t let fear of rejection or even the doubt of what if things don’t go right hold you back from going all in. There is a sense, though, with Jupiter on the scene that you are ready to do what it takes to allow greater abundance to your life. Remember that everything you’ve been through has served a purpose. It just comes down to you at this moment deciding what that truly is. You have as much time as you need to figure it out because the universe will never rush you. However, you also shouldn’t delay your happiness because you may still be afraid of finally achieving it.

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) In an unexpected universe twist, you will benefit greatly from the Leo New Moon. While the Moon is still in Cancer, it will cross paths with Neptune in Pisces. Still, it will linger there, giving you the time and focus on reflecting on how you feel in this moment instead of focusing on the memory of how you’re used to feeling. When you go through lessons and growth, you can often forget that your feelings will change too. Whether it’s about your profession, the place you call home or even your romantic relationship. Things can’t change in one way but not another. Today is a great day to get clear on your feelings, not just your heart, but your entire emotional body. Pay attention to how you feel at work and around others, checking in to see if how you used to feel is still present today. This new awareness will allow you to set intentions for the Leo New Moon that is more about the future than the past. Because Jupiter was in your sign and will move back there during the retrograde that it brings tomorrow, it’s clear that you are ready for a change, but it all comes down to you and whether you allow yourself to take those first steps to create it. RELATED: How To Create A New Moon Ritual To Jump-Start Something New Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.