Virgo is an earth sign that brings healing vibes and the ability to look at a situation rationally to figure out the best way forward. It is important not to strain for perfection, and Virgo can be overanalytical, which can put you into a space of not knowing which choice is right. Clarity arrives, though, when you let go of the idea that there is no one right way to go about the next steps of your journey, and instead, you decide to act in hopes of reaching your destination. First Quarter Moons represent new beginnings, but they also carry the importance of decision making. The New Moon is a time for setting intentions. However, much more goes into creating something new merely than just wishing it to happen. This is the space of conscious creation. Its theme is helping you realize that each day and each moment is full of choices that can bring you closer or further from the life that you want to live. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Out Who Loves Them During Moon Trine Venus Starting Tuesday, June 7, 2022 Instead of giving this power away, today, it is time to seize it. Recognize your ability to make decisions that will help promote or support what you are currently working on. With the Super Full Moon in Sagittarius next week, it is time to start acting, even if drastic, if it is centered in your heart’s truth. The Virgo First Quarter Moon auspiciously connects with Venus and Uranus in Taurus today, suggesting that some of these decisions will be relationship-based. Because the moon holds claim to your emotional self, some of what may arise today are the realization that romantic feelings have changed, and there are now decisions that need to be made. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by the ability to choose, lean in and discover this is also where your freedom finally finds its wings. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love On Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The three zodiac signs who have the best horoscopes on Tuesday, June 7, 2022:

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) It is time to step off the sidelines and out of your head. Embrace the power that your decisions have today as the First Quarter Moon rises in Virgo. With much of the past few months bringing up issues to love and even finances, now is the time to embrace the ability that you must create the life you have dreamed of. Regardless of what intentions you have set or projects you are working on, there are currently some important decisions that need to be made to assist you in moving forward. Reflect on where you have been trying to find the answer you wanted instead of being open to what the universe was directing you towards. There is also that aspect of logic playing into today’s energy. As much as you need to have a firm hold on reality, it is also important to recognize that not every choice will seem logical to your rational mind. This can be true for romantic relationships or even those connected to business. The most important thing is to be aware that your choices now are different from a previous version of what you would have made. This ensures that you are on an entirely new path and that the only way forward is to take that first step. RELATED: How To Use The Power Of Manifestation To Get What You Want In Life

2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Virgo energy always highlights themes of romantic relationships in your life. You are currently rediscovering what balance means to you after having so many planets in Pisces earlier in the year. At that point, you were waterlogged. There is beginning to be some direction and clarity coming in about your choices and where you genuinely want to end up. Today’s First Quarter Moon brings together the themes of decision-making and love. Look for where in your life you have been unsure or holding off making any choices when it comes to relationships. As a Pisces, you are eternally hopeful, often only seeing the good in everyone. At some point, though, you must also see the relationship’s reality. This is where Virgo comes in today. It also suggests that you can enter a new phase of healing within yourself by seeing things as they truly are instead of how you had hoped them to be. This holds true for fears as well. Seeing what you are afraid of the most can often be the other side of the coin of only seeing the positive. Today, take time to reflect on everything you have been feeling and noticing about your love life and then be prepared to make decisions that will help you get one step closer to the relationship you have been hoping to create. RELATED: The Psychological Technique People Who Have Great Relationships Use On A Daily Basis

3. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) Uranus and Venus are both currently moving through your sign. You are being directed to reflect on how the relationship and financial decisions you have made in your life have affected the stability and path you have traveled. Uranus operates within seven-year cycles bringing about unexpected changes. Currently, in year five, it is time to start rebuilding. Uranus brings a change in multiple areas of your life, but with Venus currently at home in her sign of Taurus and the Virgo Moon uniting with both planets, this is the area you are being asked to focus on. Reflect on what developments you have seen in this area since 2018 and where you are being guided within this moment. Mercury is now direct, and it is the perfect time to start making decisions you have been considering. Uranus in Taurus has been all about bringing in a more stable foundation through changes that you previously have been avoiding dealing with. It is the understanding that chaos will always precede peace. Today start embracing your ability to create what it is you now desire, especially as what it is you do not have already fallen to Uranus’s transformative energy. This is the time to open your eyes and start taking back control. RELATED: How To Manifest Anything You Want In 17 Seconds Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.