Saturn is the planet of boundaries, restrictions, and karmic lessons.  Often, when you are feeling stuck or unable to move forward, it is this planet that is responsible for it, which becomes exponentially worse during times of it is retrograde.   Saturn turns direct on October 23rd, just a few days from now alongside the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus.  This is a lot of energy that will help you be able to undo any blocks that you have felt have been challenging recently.      But sometimes, astrology does not want you to wait for the big events but to take advantage of every moment that you are being given.   Today there are three different squares present in the stars which is creating a desire to take some sort of action.  In astrology, a square is a critical point between two planets that are urging you to make a decision or to take the steps necessary to get ahead.   Today this energy peaks as Sun in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus all square off against each other mentioning themes of action, relationships, truth, transformation, and your ability to free yourself from whatever has been holding you back.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love They Can’t Have During The Moon Sextile Mars On October 20, 2022 But there is a shining light, quite literally as it involves Venus now having become a morning star.   This week is a monumental Venus alignment called the Venus Star Point which is when it collides with the Sun bringing luck and rebirth to your entire life, including your relationships.   Saturn does turn direct in just a few days which means as this planet begins to slow to prepare, it will be felt more strongly, just as this collection of planets reaches a crisis point of their own.   It always will seem that another time is better to do or say what it is you have been thinking of, but that is also a form of procrastination.   Today you are being urged by the universe to take action, make a decision, and even have that important conversation that you have been delaying because you know just how much it is going to change your life.   Right now as you are within the Venus Star Point, and the upcoming eclipse window, it is the perfect time to surrender to the winds of change and recognize that the very things you are delaying are also those that you have been praying for as you are trying to get them to manifest.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Has Problems During Venus Square Pluto On October 20, 2022 October is a vastly different month than September with the number of planets turning direct and the eclipse itself taking place which means that part of this process is trusting yourself when to take action.   Often times it is not about creating a perfect time but just no longer being able to continue with the way that things are, knowing that if you do genuinely want to make your dreams a reality, action is the only way to achieve them.  

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Thursday, October 20, 2022 are Capricorn, Libra, and Aquarius:

1. Capricorn  

(December 22 - January 19)  Pluto is in your sign today having just turned direct itself at the beginning of the month. Pluto in your sign has been helping you to destroy the parts of yourself and beliefs that actually sabotage what it is that you are trying to create. Since turning direct at the start of the month, you have been able to see this more and are more aware of all the ways in which you try to pretend things are better than they actually are. Today as Pluto squares off with Venus and Sun in Libra, it is going to bring you some greater clarity as far as your relationships and the choices that you make for your life. Some of this may be about bringing greater emotionality into your life but just remember that this is how you truly take the steps to make things better. RELATED: Why Fate Is The Explanation And Excuse For Everything 

2. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22)  You should still be riding an epic high with both Venus and Sun in your zodiac sign creating the beautiful Venus Star Point. This is a time for you to feel greater hope and optimism about yourself and the future and is perfect for truly making a decision to start over. You do not have to have all the answers now, but know enough to be able to take that first step. Your relationships were a big theme over the past year and while there still may be parts that you are working through, it is now time to make sure that you are owning your own power as much as possible. This may involve some forgiveness for yourself for not knowing what you do now. Allow yourself this gift so that you can move into the bright future that awaits you.   RELATED: 9 Ways To Quiet Your Mind & Follow The Path The Universe Has Laid Out For You

3. Aquarius  

(January 20 - February 18)  The Moon is in Leo today bringing the focus onto your romantic relationship while Saturn squaring off with Uranus is bringing attention to your sense of self and home. This is big energy today and likely will have you feeling like you are ready to move into the next level of your life. You will be feeling all of your emotions today while you still move through any restrictions that have been a part of you doing some greater healing so that your relationship and home are more reflective of who you have become rather than who you were. Enjoy the energy today and allow yourself to genuinely receive all the love and comfort that the universe has in store for you.   RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When You’re In Trouble Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.