Yesterday brought a tidal wave of energy with Sun and Venus shifting into Scorpio and Saturn turning direct in Aquarius alongside Juno in Pisces.   Saturn has been retrograded since early June, so understanding that many of those limitations have now been lifted may take some time to get used to.   Saturn rules karmic lessons, boundaries, and even divine timing.   During its retrograde, there were likely pauses or delays that made it more challenging to move ahead whether in your career or in your personal life, however, that time is not over.  Part of this process is understanding that there is nothing that is holding you back any longer.  RELATED: The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On October 24, 2022 This means that you are free to pursue whatever path calls to you the most deeply. However, with the North Node in Taurus and Chiron in Aries karmically uniting today you may feel a pull between two extremes.   The North Node represents the fate that you are moving into once you have mastered the lessons of your South Node which is carried over from a past life.   Chiron is known as the wounded healer, the lesson of the understanding you have to heal yourself before others and that only you are able to truly take on your own wounds.  The idea is that you may be wounded but you are also the healer.   As both of these celestial bodies collide, they bring a distinction between the path of your purpose and the one that you thought you would take for your life.   The purpose of the course is to teach you to heal what is necessary so that you can surrender and trust that the plan of the universe will always be far greater than your own, but it also means that in this process you also have to release how you thought life would go.  RELATED: The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Monday, October 24, 2022 It seems the universe is working in perfect harmony as this is preparing you for the epic New Moon Solar Eclipse tomorrow which will help to shift things around to better position you to be able to receive your destined fate.   The Moon is in Libra all day today before shifting into Scorpio in the evening hours.  This helps to bring some balancing energy as well as determination to be able to plan and accomplish those ideas that you are currently focusing on.   Right now, the stage is being set for change.  Saturn is now direct, Venus and Sun are helping you see the truth with your head and heart, and the only thing left to do is surrender and trust whatever direction the tides of fate carry you in.  

Which three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on Monday, October 24, 2022?

1. Aries  

(March 21 - April 19)  You have been under the energy of Chiron in your sign since 2019 and will be until 2026. However, currently, you are reaching the midpoint of this cycle and with this asteroid retrograde until December the healing that is being offered up can truly be life-changing. There likely have been romantic, personal, and possibly even career changes coming up for you since the start of the year. But now it seems that it is less about what you want to do and more in terms of what it is you need to do. Today as Chiron unites with the North Node, you are being given the gift of understanding everything more deeply. This is a gift from the universe allowing you to take charge of your own destiny, just like you were born to do.   RELATED: 10 Steps To Move On To A Better Career For You

2. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20)  Not only is the North Node in your sign but your Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is coming up in just a few weeks as well. You are in an active transition and even transformation. As the North Node unites with Chiron today you have the chance to recognize how much you have healed and accomplished over the past year. It is not always about what you feel like you have yet to do but about acknowledging what you have already accomplished. Finding some gratitude and appreciation for where you are now will create more space for the universe to work its magic. Tomorrow the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio activating your romantic life. Today may be the lesson that you need to receive tomorrow’s blessing.   RELATED: The One Emotion That Can Completely Upgrade Your Relationship (And 3 Steps To Getting It Right)

3. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22)  You should still be coming off the high point of the Venus Star Point which peaked a couple of days ago. Now with the Moon in your zodiac sign you are being guided to embrace your feelings more deeply so that you can start to process all that is likely to come up. You are being asked right now to embrace all that the universe has to give. Step up in a bold and unique way and take up more space within your life. Once you do this you are going to find that you end up attracting all that you have been dreaming of. It is just that you needed to be in the place where you were telling the universe that you were ready to receive it, lucky for you, you finally are.   RELATED: 7 Simple Strategies For Attracting Someone Who Treats You Right Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.