Mercury is the planet that rules communication, both in how you speak and communicate to others. In Taurus, Mercury is concerned about making logical, grounded plans. Any drifting thoughts or far-fetched dreams would be able to be made into reality while Mercury is on Taurus. RELATED: 11 Ways Mercury Retrograde Seriously Messes With Your Relationships While retrograde, the process has been about how past events or the previous decisions you’ve made have taken you closer or further from that, allowing you to make changes where necessary. During this time, you were confronted with whether you had done the necessary work to create the dreams you wanted to manifest and even if what you had built was stable and long-lasting. Now, with Mercury turning direct today, it’s time to start moving ahead. No more waiting on someone else to make changes or be the miracle you’ve been waiting for. This is the secret that you are the miracle you’ve been waiting for. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Need To Be Single During Mars In Aries, May 24 - July 3, 2022 The Moon in Leo today will intensify this energy as this fire sign is known for following its inner instincts and jumping at an opportunity that it sees benefit within. The Universe is helping to show you that there is no reason to delay moving ahead or sitting, hoping that someone else will do the work you are trying to put off. It’s time to seize the greenlight that the universe is giving you and choose to follow your heart at all costs.
The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Friday, go to Virgo, Taurus, and Scorpio on June 3, 2022:
1. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
Let yourself embrace the boldness that defines one of your best traits. The Moon represents your emotional self. You should feel a deeper understanding of this part of you and a more intense desire to act. Too often, do not allow yourself to seize the opportunities life brings you because you are trying to do things differently. It is the fear that permeates you because it did not go as planned at some point. But in doing that, you are suffocating your very essence. You are incredibly connected to your heart, and following it becomes a way that you honor yourself and your needs. Let yourself reconnect to that part of you today. Feel into it. Honor it. And then make a choice to see those feelings as your truth. It is not something to fight but something to embrace. Whatever you have been contemplating or dreaming of is about finally getting the solid foundation under it to come true. You must recognize that thought and accept that the time is now to start moving forward instead of only wishing you could. Get out of your head and into your heart — that is how you build a life based on truth. RELATED: How Mars In Aries Effects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, May 24 - July 5, 2022
2. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20) This is your time to start creating magic. Now that Mercury is turning direct into Taurus, it will provide an exciting time for you to create that next chapter in your life. You have been and will continue to be in a transition phase while Uranus moves through your sign. This will undo some things so that there is space for others to come together. It’s time to look at breaking away from those areas of your life that you have felt like you had to conform to and instead choose to believe in your own crazy and wild dreams. Part of this lesson is to learn that just because there is a safe option does not mean that it will foster or encourage growth. Instead of clinging to those old structures just because they have always been there, challenge yourself to look for new ways to feel secure and stable within yourself. Reflect on how much of your life has been or even still currently is a blueprint of someone else’s design that you have followed. Make a choice to finally break ground on the path you truly feel called to pursue. Right now, the universe is supporting every dream and desire that you must start creating what really is calling to you. Do not waste time getting caught up in looking at what you are leaving behind because it will only distract you from what is awaiting you on your path. Trust in your feelings and then pursue them at all costs. RELATED: How The 2022 ‘Intuitive’ Gemini Season Effects Your Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, May 21 - June 20, 2022
3. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21) It is not always easy to take the time to see what’s underneath those passionate romantic feelings you can get swept away in, but it is necessary. Taurus energy rules your romantic relationships. This means that this phase of Mercury retrograde, now direct in this grounded earth sign, would have brought up a lot of important reflections about your romantic relationships. Even if this was not an area that you wanted to see more clearly within, it is still one that has served an important purpose. Now that Mercury is direct, reflect on what has occurred within this area of your life since May 10. This would have been time for you to let the romanticized ideals dissolve and see what they were underneath. It may be about a particular relationship or how you approach love itself. Take what you have learned as a lesson — you can have the best of both worlds; passion and stability. Any romantic dream that you have can come true. You just need to make sure that you allow yourself to see that everyday consistency like presence and communication are sexy too. You are entering a more mature phase of love during this time, do not worry, though. It will still be hot enough for you. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall For The Wrong Person During Moon Trine Uranus, June 2 - 3, 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.