For three zodiac signs, Moon-Pluto brings the most intensely rough horoscopes on January 15, 2023. This implies that if something is bothering us, something personal — something we’ve been refusing to look at — then today is the day that nagging and hidden ’thought’ comes up, and we won’t be able to look away. RELATED: What Your Chiron Sign Reveals About Your Deepest Wounds And Healing Powers One of the things we need to beware of during a day with the Moon square Pluto as a major transit is the idea of taking responsibility for our emotions. We feel raw today, even unloved. We might even feel as though we are invisible as nobody is paying the right kind of attention to us, which makes us sad but not angry. We don’t have anger as an issue today; instead, we have neurosis. We think we aren’t good enough to be loved, and that’s how those hidden emotions rise to the surface. Feelings of unworthiness occur, which are rare experiences for some. That’s why today is rougher for some than others because many of us are not used to feeling this way. RELATED: 10 Definite Signs He’s Not Your Soulmate We may be full of confidence and self-esteem, but there’s something about Moon square Pluto that knocks us down a peg and puts us in an uncomfortable position…with ourselves. We don’t trust our minds, and until we can navigate our way back to ’normal,’ we might end up spending this day feeling downright rough.
The three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 15, 2023:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20) We’re looking at a power struggle today between you and the person you are romantically involved with. You both do things in different ways. While the vibe is usually ‘variety is the spice of life’ on January 15, during the Moon square Pluto, the difference you cherish is now what stands between you two. Your partner is the stronger of the two, which doesn’t imply they are better, more intelligent or wiser; it just means that when battling it out, they usually win simply because they are LOUDER. And when your partner gets loud, you get intimidated. You don’t fear them turning on you, you can’t stand the volume, and it makes you feel small and stifled. You can’t win when someone is yelling, so today’s points go to your partner for being the loudest person of the day. RELATED: 5 Ways To Talk So A Man Will Really, Truly Listen
2. Aquarius
(January 18 - February 20) You’d be just fine if Moon square Pluto didn’t seem to literally want you to be troubled and stuck in your head. In fact, this day may bring out a little cosmic resentment in you as this was not the day you had in mind. You were all for getting things done and achieving something creative; you knew where you were headed and had a plan. And then, it stopped dead in its tracks. No plan, creative day, or getting things done. Instead, you get overly concerned about how you do things, as in ‘second guessing’ yourself to the point of feeling unworthy. You rarely get this feeling, but when it happens on January 15, 2023, you’ll slink back into a regressed version of yourself. It will feel like you haven’t grown emotionally since you were young. Do not worry; this is temporary, even though it may feel dark and depressing. RELATED: 12 Signs Your Relationship Is Emotionally Immature
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20) So far, this year could be better in your book. You really don’t have the same kind of patience as you used to have, and so, if you don’t get the instant gratification that you have in mind, you bemoan your fate, as if you are stuck in the Gulag, a prisoner or circumstance. The reality of it is nothing so dramatic, however. Fortunately, all of this Moon square Pluto action is less horrendous than you make it out to be. In fact, today is an exaggeration. You may run into an issue or two, but you’ll blow these things out of proportion now that’s your main issue. You will make a mountain out of a molehill today. Everything will be much worse when you tell your story; of course, you will tell it. That’s what today is about: getting sympathy for your terrible day. Do yourself a favor, Pisces, don’t believe the lies you are telling yourself. It’s really NOT THAT BAD. RELATED: Why We Lie And How To Instantly Spot A Liar Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.