We’ve got an incredible lineup of helpful cosmic happenings, many of which bring in our gracious and positivity-seeking friend, Jupiter, and its zodiacal buddy, Sagittarius. Automatically, we know that this week is based on hope; our minds are sharp, and our will is determined. RELATED: How The Once-In-A-Lifetime Venus Star Point Changes Your Love Life Starting October 22, 2022 We’re looking at the imposition of Pluto energy, which when squared with Mercury, on the 27th, for instance, could put us in a precarious position. We will need to choose our words and think before speaking. With Mercury trine Mars, however, there’s a very good chance that this kind of discretion will pay off for us. As we move into Jupiter in Pisces later on that day, we’ll notice that we feel good about ourselves for being able to withhold; there is strength in silence, and we will find this out during the week. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope For October 24 - 30, 2022 Look at it this way; we just entered Scorpio. We’re going to feel adamant about the things we do and say, but with Scorpio energy, we know we’re on to something. This is where that ‘sharpness’ of mind thing comes in. This week is going to have us figuring out how to proceed, what to say, how to make things move, and when to step aside. By week’s end, we’ll have the Moon in Capricorn and Mercury in Scorpio, both transits that will restore the balance, while keeping us keen and ready for anything. It’s a good week, and it highlights the world of proper and discreet communication.

The three zodiac signs with great weekly horoscopes for October 24 - October 30, 2022:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20) It’s going to be a good week for you because you’ve finally caught on to ‘how’ to approach someone at work with a request. What felt awkward and off at one point now seems like the only way, and once you get this idea into your head, you will go for the success of it. Failure is not an option this time around, Taurus, and you know it. The good part is that you really feel confident about what you’re going to ask for and you know you’ll be met with an open reception. This wasn’t always the case, but you’ve got that Jupiter energy all over you and it forces you to expand your horizons, and possibly your paycheck, as well. You are thinking big this week, and if ever there were something to hold you back, it is definitely now a part of the past. You slice through this week as if it were butter. Your charms will melt the heart of anyone you choose to speak with. RELATED: Is Your Zodiac Sign Destined For Wealth? How Your Astrology Chart Can Show How To Get Rich

2. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20) This week is going to feel like you’re finally able to breathe again. Your communications are on point and it seems as though everyone you wish to affect or teach is ready to hear what you have to say. The generosity and openness of others are going to be noticeable and obvious to you during this week. It’s as if you’re being given a chance to finally say something that’s been on your mind — without being interrupted. As you move into Scorpio energy, you feel cool, confident…loyal to your own beliefs and words. You believe in yourself and so it’s quite easy for you to influence others during this time. Because you know what you’re doing, you don’t present a vibe of confusion. There is no crazy Gemini indecision going on this week; you’ll find that every road you take is paved with good intentions and easy-going communication. RELATED: The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ranked

3. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21) Welcome to your season, Scorpio. It’s time to get down to business. This week is going to have you attending several meetings, many of which are meetings you set up. There are certain things in your life that need to be said, and you’re no longer in the mood to hold on to secrets. Because of Jupiter’s energy, you feel like honesty is the best policy, and even if it takes a lot of nerve to ‘be yourself and keep it real, you’ll be doing whatever it takes. This week is so positive-energy-oriented for you that all you can think about is how to walk into the future unfettered. Nothing holds you back because you don’t let anything hold you back. Your first week in Scorpio season is going to have you performing like a rock star; you excel in whatever you do. Enjoy the week, Scorpio. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are The Worst & Most Evil, Ranked Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.