We have held on to this person for a long time now, thinking we could work our way into their hearts, and yet, things are not looking good, and we’ve begun to lose interest. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Luckiest In Love During The Week Of December 11 - 17, 2022 That’s where everything falls apart. On this day, during the Moon opposite Pluto, three zodiac signs will know deep in our hearts that it’s time to break up. Sad but authentic and oddly freeing if we let ourselves see the upside. Just thinking of the Moon opposite Pluto is enough to give one the shivers. This is not the astrological transit we associate with good times and easy-going romances; it’s the opposite. During the Moon opposite Pluto, we feel very strongly about ending the things that no longer please us, and our ‘romance’ is at the top of that list. As it’s said in Buddhism: all things are impermanent. Attachment is pain, so detachment MUST be a better choice for today. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their True Love During The Moon In Leo, December 11 - 13, 2022 One thing that makes us want to break up on this day is that it is mid-December, and we’ve started to wonder whether or not we want to walk into 2023 with this person in our arms, so to speak. For some zodiac signs, it’s obvious: NOPE. We do not want to walk into the new year with this person. We are willing to face the consequences and go through the breakup. It wasn’t part of the original plan, but plans have been known to change.

The three zodiac signs who want to breakup during the Moon opposite Pluto on December 11, 2022:

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) You don’t know what to do today, as you feel so upset by something your partner has done that it’s dumbfounded you. You’ve known this person could do the wrong thing, but you didn’t count on this degree of wrongness. It’s not like they’ve cheated on you, but they have lied and certainly did not expect you to catch on. Your relationship has been chilly for a long time, and you’ve accepted that. During the Moon opposite Pluto, you won’t accept it. You’ll want more, which will lead you to the place where you find out even more about your partner and their stubborn, deceptive behavior. By the end of this day, it might be time to consider breaking up, as this person is not the person you thought them to be. Wow. RELATED: 25 Signs He Wants To Break Up & The Relationship Is Over

2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) now and then, you feel like you have psychic abilities, and you might be right about that, Libra. When you trust your gut, you usually end up right about what you perceive as a truth you may have missed. Today’s truth comes from a gut feeling about your romantic partner; they’re not coming through for you like they used to. They’ve been showing signs of disinterest, and you think they’re up to something. Your gut tells you your partner has lied to you, and you can’t shake the feeling. Lies are the last thing you accept in a relationship, even though you’ve dropped a few in your time. Still, during the Moon opposite Pluto, you won’t shake the feeling that this person has done you wrong, and confrontation is redundant. It’s time to end this, one way or another. RELATED: Why It’s So Hard To Break Up With Someone, Even If You Don’t Love Them

3. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) You may want to break up, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you will. You are with someone who drives you crazy; you thought they’d change after all this time, but now you’re starting to think that was a pipe dream. The only thing you’ve seen take place in this relationship is how the two of you seem to be drifting apart daily. However, today marks the beginning of new thinking, and those thoughts are all about breaking up. You are supported by the Moon opposite Pluto, which is the transit that promotes change and renovation. On December 11, you will feel you’ve put more than enough time, effort and love into this relationship. That it might be better for you to go your separate ways. It’s not what you wanted, but as time passes, you’ll feel more assertive about owning your choice to end it. RELATED: How Guys Really Feel After A Breakup, According To Men On Reddit Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.