Coming out of the divine embrace of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces yesterday, the energy still will feel electric, like anything can happen for three zodiac signs. And that is because it can, especially if you’re an Aries, Virgo, or a Leo.  Even though these two planets are now inching their way apart, they will still be close enough for the next month for you to feel their effects. Whatever intuition you have been ignoring, or overlooking is about to become a roar if it has not already.   Edging you even forward into new terrain is a connection between the Sun and Saturn today, helping you to start taking steps forward no matter how scary it might have once seemed. But the real help today is the union between the Virgo Moon and Uranus in Taurus.  Whenever these two connect it brings about a window of time to make drastic and exciting changes without the normal chaos that often follows.   RELATED: Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs Starting April 11 - 17, 2022 It does not mean that it will be worry-free but only on these days, you are being helped by the universe to follow your own path instead of the one that has been laid out for you.   The Virgo Moon will activate Venus in Pisces later in the day, helping to bring about some positive moments of love. Especially if you have been doing the work that Saturn in Aquarius has been asking of you.   So let go of any idea that somehow that tiny voice inside is wrong and instead be willing to take a chance on what you just cannot get out of your mind. Because if it is on your mind, it means it is also on your heart.   RELATED: April 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions For All Zodiac Signs In Astrology

The three zodiac signs who have the best horoscopes on Wednesday, April 13, 2022:

1. Aries  

(March 21 - April 19)  Aries, there is so much benefit right now for you to have all this exciting astrology take place during your birthday month. You are not just at a crossroads, but really at a milestone point of your life where you are able to look at critically everything that has led to this moment and then take your time making any decisions you feel called to. The only thing that today might bring is some unexpected little hints at where you are headed next. You do not always listen to your intuition as much as you should. Usually, it contradicts the actions that you are already taking in your life. But recently you have had confirmations that they may be spot on and since you can feel you are amid change, then it does not hurt to push your own sense of reality a little bit further. Today is an enjoyable day to plan some quiet time with yourself so that you can make space to hear what your intuition is telling you. Then plan some fun romantic time in the evening, it is likely that your intuition will lead you to do that anyway, and one more benefit of listening to not just your heart but your soul.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their Soulmate During The Jupiter Conjunct Neptune, April 2022

2. Virgo  

(August 23 - September 22)  You are still seeing so much activated from the conjunction in Pisces, do not be surprised if it feels like your emotions are changing every few minutes. This is part of the benefit though even if it feels challenging at the same time. Instead of trying to have things be so set in stone today try to approach everything as fluidly as Pisces does. Let go of what you think is true, or how something will end, and instead take note of what reality is presenting as today and then let things unfold. This can feel challenging but just as Pisces can have your knack for looking at the details, you can embody more of this flow to help you feel balanced. Make sure that you are seeing the bigger picture of everything and if there is any fear or resistance you are paying close attention to where it is coming from. Especially this evening, a romantic encounter may challenge what you believed to be the truth for you and provide a different viewpoint in the meantime. Let yourself see where it all goes, and you just may find you end up where you belong.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love During Aries Season, March 20 - April 19, 2022

3. Leo  

(July 23 - August 22)  As Saturn in Aquarius activates the Sun today, it will have you looking at where you have been holding back in your own life so that you can start to make some bigger changes. This likely will have to do with your own self-confidence that may have taken a hit recently with some healing that you have done. It is okay to start to gain an unfamiliar perspective as you gain more clarity, but it should not make you hold back from living your life. Try to be honest with yourself today about any anxiety you may have had about repeating past patterns or where you are feeling stuck. More than likely you already know the answers that you are trying to seek. What you need to do is allow yourself to believe in them. At some point in your journey, it is not just about accepting the past or forgiving yourself and others but allowing it to not dictate the choices you make for your future. There is nothing about you that should have you doubting your own abilities, in life, love, or even just what you should do this evening. Tonight may be best spent with yourself practicing some self-care so that you can remind yourself just how worthy you are to feel confident in the decisions that you make.   RELATED: Weekly Tarot Card Reading, By Zodiac Sign, April 11 - 17, 2022 Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.