With this zodiac sign transiting the Sun, we can all find ways to benefit. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, and it is also the only sign whose avatar carries a weapon. While this weapon is not used for violent means, it is clear that this sign can and would fight for what they believe in. The bow and arrow that is held by the Centaur, in Sagittarius’ representation, is there to symbolize the idea of focus, as in point, aim and shoot. RELATED: The Most Popular Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked This is why Sagittarius people are so intense. They see the goal in their mind and they go for it. This is the season where we are all now privy to this kind of focus. This is the time for major revelations and inspired creative projects. While Sagittarius folks are not always easy to get along with, they are trustworthy and honest. Honesty above all with this sign, and Sun in Sagittarius brings this out in all of us. During this month, we can expect closure for some relationships, excitement over new projects and a desire within ourselves to say what we mean and mean what we say.

Sun In Sagittarius Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs, November 21 - December 19, 2021:


(March 21 - April 19) This is the season you’ve been needing in your life, because you’ve really wanted to get things done, and for some reason this, that and the other thing keep getting in your way. You don’t feel there’s another moment to spare. You want to move on with what’s on your mind. Sagittarius Sun shows you the way. It points you in the direction you need to be taking so that you can have less stress and more focus. If honesty is the best policy, then, Aries, prepare to tell the truth because it’s about to work for you in extremely positive ways. Be yourself. RELATED: Waiting for a sign? Reach out to a gifted psychic today!


(April 20 - May 20) You will enjoy the freedom of this season in the form of finally being able to put your mind and talent into creating that ’thing’ you had in mind. Whether it’s artistic or literary, you, Taurus, will be using your talent well over the next month, and with the influence of Sun in Sagittarius, you’ll not only be able to create.  You’ll be able to create something you’ve wanted to create for a long time. This is the focus you receive from this transit. It will help you name your desire and go after it. It will give you the confidence to do things on your own without the need for approval, and without the fear of being lonely. This is the perfect time for you to start something new, especially in the arts or in sports. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(May 21 - June 20) Sun in Sagittarius appeals to your creative nature, Gemini, so don’t be shocked when you actually complete something artistic — something you may have put aside years ago, only to watch fall into ruin over the years. Now is the time to get back into old projects, and you who loves a good gadget, will love this season as it promotes solo endeavors and fix-it jobs. You may have taken a little too much time off as of recently, due to realistic circumstance, but Sag season is here to redirect your focus and enable you with purpose. You love this season and it suits you well. Now, get crackin’! RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(June 21 - July 22) During Sun in Sagittarius, you’ll feel a sense of renewal, in body, mind and spirit. It doesn’t take much for inspiration to catch hold in you, Cancer, and this is the season where many of your ideas beg to be realized. You have a well-balanced confidence that accompanies you now, and you don’t feel like you could be easily tempted to go off track. You have a vision of the future, where you wish to be and how to make it happen, and that’s exactly what you are going to intend for. There’s nothing in your nature that doubts. You not only want to believe and trust. You DO believe and trust. This kind of positive attitude is going to bring you everything you want. RELATED: Waiting for a sign? Reach out to a gifted psychic today!


(July 23 - August 22) Nothing like a fellow Fire sign to give your own world that personal jolt of energy needed in order to get the job done. Laziness be damned — that was so last summer. You’re no longer into hanging around doing nothing, not with Sagittarius energy all over the place. Now, you want to dedicate your time to expressing your imagination. Creativity calls and you hear your name being whispered on the wing. You can’t resist this feeling; it’s as if the world just opened up to you, and who are you to say no? Jump into the Fire, Leo - there’s plenty of room for you and your amazing self. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(August 23 - September 22) Sun in Sagittarius is going to give you the nerve to do something you’ve always wanted to do. It could be getting a tattoo, or planning a trip to an exotic destination. All you know is that during this season, you want something original in your life. Everything around you seems to be supportive of your dreams, and those dreams are big and beautiful. All that’s needed is the nerve to go out and make it happen, and that nerve is here. Point, aim and shoot for the stars, Virgo. You’re in good hands with Sagittarius Sun. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(September 23 - October 22) There’s much that you have in common with Sagittarius, and while this sign in transiting the Sun, you’ll feel that everything in your life is possible. Like Sagittarius, you’re super creative and imaginative; this could be a good time for you to start something intense, like writing a book. Your need for independence and alone-time will be fulfillable, and no one will complain about you taking too much time off. You feel you owe it to yourself to tear away from the crowd, just to get your bearings. Follow your instinct here, Libra. You have so much to offer, and we all know that starts with you taking time off to be alone and in deep thought. Go for it. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(October 23 - November 21) You are only too happy to welcome in the mellower season that is Sagittarius Sun. With your own season just ending, you like the transition that comes with Sagittarius’ sense of freedom. You feel less burdened during this time, less pressured to be something or someone you’re not. You even like yourself better around this time of year, as the focus is not on you but on what you love to do. There’s a profound sense of liberation in your actions — you feel light, as if you were able to rid yourself of something troublesome. Your relations with people improves during this season. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(November 22 - December 21) While in your season, you like to consider yourself a winner. Your self esteem is usually on high as it is, but during Sagittarius Sun, you don’t even know what the word ‘doubt’ means. If there’s a game to be played, you walk in knowing you’re destined to win. If there’s a creative project that requires your attention, not only will you complete it beautifully, but you’ll tend to it with rapid-fire precision. You are THAT good. While you may still annoy those around you with your kooky, independent nature, there will be no one around who will be able to doubt your ability to get things done — and well. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(December 22 - January 19) This season always suits you well. As the year comes to an end, and the Sun is in Sagittarius, you feel a sense of accomplishment. It’s been a long, strange trip, and yet, here you are, resting on your laurels - and rightly so. Sagittarius energy allows you to bask in your own glory. Self love is high on your to-do list, and you have no problem treating yourself right. You may even delve into something creative, and if sports is your thing - you’ll find yourself involved with some very fun competition. While all is fair in love and war, you’ll sway to the side of love, which will treat you very well in return. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(January 20 - February 18) As an independent thinker, this is a fantastic season for you, especially if you are someone who comes up with plans for others. Your skills as an organizer, or writer rise to the top during Sun in Sagittarius. You finally feel as though you have carte blanche when it comes to creative moves. While you are not a loud person who demands to have their way, you have impressed enough people, and now those folks believe in you. So, when you express your needs to them, they respect you, and respect is all you need - it’s like personal fuel. The days of disrespect and being slighted are over. Sun in Sag works well for you. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(February 19 - March 10) All is relatively pleasant for you during this transit. Sun in Sagittarius utilizes what you do best: feel for others. You are known for your compassion.  You are also passionate about animals and caring for them. So is Sagittarius, and as one of the protectors of the Zodiac, Sag will help you in your efforts to rescue and/or adopt animals. In the same regard, you care for the people in your life, and it will be during this transit that you get to express great love and gratitude to them for being such an endeared part of your life. Gatherings with family will be joyous and easy-going, which will make you feel like a million bucks. RELATED: Waiting for a sign? Reach out to a gifted psychic today! Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.