Posting to the subreddit “r/AmItheA–hole” (AITA) — a forum where users try to figure out if they were wrong or not in an argument that has been bothering them — the woman shared details about how she feels her daughter’s daycare is treating her child poorly. In her Reddit post, she explained that her 2-year-old daughter was just gifted “light-up princess heels” from someone in her family. Since receiving the shoes, her daughter refuses to take them off and wants to wear them everywhere, including to daycare. RELATED: Woman Taking Her Niece To Court Over A Coat Asks If She Went Too Far

The mom wants to pull her daughter out of daycare after they wouldn’t let her play outside at recess because of the heels.

When she picked her daughter up from daycare, she noticed that the little girl was wearing socks instead of the heels she had on earlier. In response, the daycare told the mother that she needed to put “acceptable” shoes in her daughter’s backpack if she would be arriving in heels. “When I got home, I checked the school’s dress code and there was absolutely nothing about shoes, except that kids have to be able to comfortably play in them,” she wrote. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with her daughter’s heels, noting that she often wears them out, including to the park and grocery store, and never complains about feeling uncomfortable in them. After refusing to adhere to the daycare’s request, she sent her daughter back in the same heels, however, shortly after dropping her daughter off, she received a call from the teacher. The teacher said that she needed to come back and drop off a different pair of shoes for her daughter, but she argued against it, telling the teacher she was already at work and wouldn’t be able to leave abruptly. “When I picked her up, it was the same thing. Her heels were in her backpack and she was wearing socks. The teacher told me they couldn’t let her out for recess because of her shoes.” RELATED: Mom Wants Teacher To Stop Allowing Her Daughter To Get ‘Unwanted Hugs’ But Wonders If She’s Overreacting

When the mother learned that her daughter was kept out of recess, she became livid. 

“First of all, she’s worn those shoes to the park so I know she can play in them. Second, it’s not her fault that I couldn’t drop off a new pair of shoes so I don’t see why she has to be punished for it.” Now, the mother wants to pull her daughter out of daycare because of this and find a better one, but her husband refuses. He argued that his children from a previous marriage all went there and loved it, and their daughter not being allowed to wear heels isn’t a good enough excuse to look for somewhere new. “I personally think they’re treating my daughter unfairly and that we should look for a better daycare,” she concluded. RELATED: Mom Asks If She’s Wrong For Renovating House & Adding A Gym But Not Giving Her Kids Their Own Rooms

A majority of the Reddit commenters agreed that she was wrong for wanting to pull her daughter out of daycare.

“More than likely it’s an insurance thing. If she’s going outside on the playground her feet have to be covered,” one user wrote. Another user added, “They’re looking out for her safety and protecting themselves from a medical lawsuit. Pulling her out isn’t helping her understand that rules are there for a reason.” “Send your kids with proper clothing to any daycare or school. You were already told to send other shoes in her backpack to wear to recess. You deliberately did not. You caused her to miss recess,” a third user chimed in. RELATED: Mom Angered After Her Daughter Is Excluded From Birthday Party Of Girl She Bullied At School Nia Tipton is a writer living in Brooklyn. She covers pop culture, social justice issues, and trending topics. Keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter.