The Full ‘Wolf’ Moon in Cancer is here, and we will sit it in our sky on January 17, 2022. Because it is in Cancer, it’s like a double-whammy of deep feeling; The Moon already stirs up in us all hopes and desires, and during its lunation in Cancer, it goes right for the heart. RELATED: Luckiest Day Of The Year For Each Zodiac Sign In 2022 How romantic is that name? The Full Wolf Moon. Ah, just saying it makes one thing of cold, mountainside cabins, a bright Moon above, and wolves howling their song, as the wind whistles through the forest trees. This kind of romantic feeling will be all-pervasive during the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer, and because it’s the final phase before it wanes, it can act as the point of transformation for many of us.

How The Full ‘Wolf’ Moon In Cancer Transforms The Lives Of Each Zodiac Sign On January 17 - 18, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19) Because Cancer’s influence always has us returning to the home, your personal transformation will take place at home, working on both your romantic life and the place in which you live. Full Wolf Moon in Cancer brings you to the end of one vision and the beginning of a new dream to work on, together with your mate. You will decide to take this ‘home’ thing seriously, which will pay off in all the right ways.  RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Always Change For The Better


(April 20 - May 20) Full Wolf Moon in Cancer brings out your expressive side, and your words have the power to transform both you and the person you are involved with. You’re growing in wisdom and in self-love. This Moon puts a lot of things into perspective for you. You will realize during this time that you are important and that what you have to say influences others. Take your role as mentor seriously, as you are good at it. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Communicate With Their Body


(May 21 - June 20) If you’ve been praying for some extra cash, your finances will kick in abundantly during this time. Remember, Full Wolf Moon in Cancer is about ‘fullness’ and because money has been so much on your mind, you are also simultaneously creating it by the power of your will. Don’t be surprised if your new flush state has people suddenly coming out of the woodworks to borrow some! RELATED: What’s Your Personal Psychic Power, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?


(June 21 - July 22) The Full Wolf Moon in Cancer is one of your best days for introspection and retreat; take time during this event to count your blessings and feel the gratitude for simply being alive. This Moon is where all of your wishes burst open, like stars, waiting for manifestation as your next reality. What you’ve been thinking about can become your reality if you take the time to treat yourself well. Don’t stop believing, Cancer! RELATED: 6 Big-Hearted Zodiac Signs Who Are Secretly Huge Softies


(July 23 - August 22) It’s time for you to understand why you’ve been feeling down or restless as of recently, and start to work on your solutions. The Full Wolf Moon in Cancer is a fantastic lunar event that backs up your mental process.  This is the time where you, Leo, can finally figure out what’s been wrong with you, or what has been nagging you uncontrollably. This Moon can guide you to a place of peace within your heart. RELATED: These 6 Zodiac Signs Are Easily Annoyed (And What Annoys Them The Most)


(August 23 - September 22) What you may notice happening during the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer is that you’ll feel both hopeful, and fearful. You’ll second-guess yourself at the moment when you feel the most confident. You will probably overthink things and sway towards the negative when it comes to end results, but that is up to you. The Full Moon acts as a ray of hope for you, offering itself. It’s now time for you to believe. That is what’s going to transform you. RELATED: The 6 Most Gullible Zodiac Signs Who Are Way Too Trusting


(September 23 - October 22) This Cancer Full Moon will have you pouring your entire soul into something you truly love doing, but there’s a warning here: take a look at all the segments of your life; do not concentrate so hard on one thing that you end up neglecting the other. If you are partnered, make sure your mate knows that you love them before you off into the wild blue yonder to pursue your next dream. RELATED: How Each Of The Zodiac Signs Asks For Help


(October 23 - November 21) Ah, this is the Moon that rules your imagination and your desire to explore the realms of the mind. Transform your world by studying a new language, or by losing yourself in a fantastic epic novel. There is no pressure on you during this event, other than to recognize yourself as a beautiful being of potential and light. RELATED: The 5 Most Physically Attractive Zodiac Signs Who Exude Natural Beauty


(November 22 - December 21) Revelations abound during the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer, for you, Sagittarius. It’s time once again to reinvent yourself, and you have always been so excellent when it comes to change. Recognize now what didn’t work before, and make the changes needed in order to progress. There’s a solution to everything in your world. Transform yourself with change and possibility. RELATED: 5 Adventurous Zodiac Signs With No Qualms About Moving To Start A New Life


(December 22 - January 19) This Full Wolf Moon in Cancer may set you back a bit in terms of emotional growth, but Cancer Moon does this with a purpose: to clear your head and set you on a better path. What may feel like regression during this transit is really just a cosmic reset button being pushed by the universe on your behalf. It’s a way of letting you know that you need to address certain things now before moving forward. RELATED: 6 Most Emotionally Exhausting Zodiac Signs


(January 20 - February 18) Monumental change is your destiny, and it goes into effect as of today, during the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer. You know that you’ve needed to get out of the box you’re in and that you can only do so when you reconcile certain concepts in your life that contradict each other. This might mean it’s time to do some emotional cleansing. Look in the mirror and see yourself for who you really are. Once you get a glimpse, you’ll be able to see exactly what your next move needs to be. RELATED: The 5 Most Insightful Zodiac Signs


(February 19 - March 10) The Full Wolf Moon in Cancer rouses in you one great truth: you have been way too harsh on yourself. You have fallen into so many emotional traps and you’ve willingly allowed yourself to be pushed and pulled by the opinions of others. What a waste of precious time. This Full Moon reveals to you that the right time to walk away from the negative influences (and people) in your life… is now. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Acts When They’re Angry Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda