For some reason, we humans never seem to split up on amicable terms. It’s like we spend months or years being in love with someone and putting our entire trust in them, only to one day regret the day they were born. All or nothing with we human beings, right? RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Change Their Mind About Love During The Moon In Aquarius Starting February 1, 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn is more than likely the reason why this may very well happen, around February 1, 2022. This transit stirs up in us a need for structure and order, which is why the ex shows up again because it is THEY who need the structure, and for some reason, they find things make more sense when we are in their lives. OH, JOY. So, don’t be surprised if someone reaches out to you. Someone you really don’t want reaching out to you, as in your worst ex. This isn’t ’the one who got away’. This is ’the one you run away from.’ Time to get those defenses up. Ready, set…go.
3 Zodiac Signs Whose Ex Returns During Sun Conjunct Saturn Starting February 1, 2022
(March 21 - April 19) When you walked out their door, they didn’t quite get the fact that you weren’t leaving to go get treats, you were leaving to get the heck away from them, whom you consider being the worst of the worst. You didn’t leave the door open, and you certainly didn’t send them an invitation to return. In fact, you made it quite clear that you want nothing to do with them ever again. Unfortunately, they didn’t see the break-up that way. They thought there were be open-minded by ‘giving you your space.’ Sun conjunct Saturn makes their fantasy seem logical. Of course, you want them back! But no, you do not want them back, nor do you even want to see their face or hear their name — ever, ever, ever. They don’t get with that, so you can expect a return visit very soon. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Need Space Vs. The Ones Who Are Attached At The Hip
(September 23 - October 22) Your ex doesn’t believe that they are an ex, in fact, they have always believed that the two of you are some kind of soul mates bound together eternally by time and the universe, and on and on and on. Your ex is a fantasist that wants to make sense of the situation they are presently in, and the only thing that makes sense in their world is being with you. While that might sound romantic, it’s really just delusion, and Sun conjunct Saturn powers up their delusion to the max. It’s like you can’t get away from them. You could even be married with fifty kids and this person won’t get the hint. And, on February 1, you’ll be hearing from them — once again. RELATED: The Age You’ll Be When You Finally Meet Your Soulmate, According To Your Zodiac Sign
(October 23 - November 21) Your ex is about to reach out to you, and you are about to reject them so hard it’s going to sting. Will they get the point? Yes, they will. Sun conjunct Saturn has your ex thinking there’s a chance. They once loved you and so why should that change? You’ll let them know exactly why that has changed and why you no longer want anything to do with them because Sun conjunct Saturn affects you, too, and in your desire to make sense of everything. You come to the conclusion that the worst move you ever made was getting together with the person you now call your ex. They want back in, Scorpio, and only you know just how futile that will prove to be. RELATED: The 5 Zodiac Signs Who Will Never Go Back With An Ex (Ever!) Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.