What feels like the making of an ordinary day in the life turns complicated, due to that last transit mentioned. Moon trine Jupiter has the cosmic ability to push us into great expectations, only to let us down in plummeting disappointment. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Disappointment, According To Astrology For some zodiac signs here, this means disillusionment. Our intentions may be wondrous and magical, but perhaps we dream too big, during this transit, and that is exactly what sets us up for the big fall. With Moon in Cancer, we may border on obsession during this day. And if there’s anything to the idea of, “I think, therefore I am” then it will play out as ‘bad thoughts becoming a bad mood.’ Three zodiac signs in particular will fall prey to the consequences of negative thinking.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On January 15, 2022:


(June 21 - July 22) You’re about to spend the day inside your head, and there’s really nothing that can get you out of there. You will ruminate and over-examine something in your life that bothers you. This will increase your frustration and confuse you even further. You feel trapped in your mind because you have this gut feeling that nobody is on your side, and while that may sound paranoid, you feel you’re on to something, and it bugs you. You may get into arguments today with people you hardly know. The energy is so scattered and unreliable that you’ll feel the only thing that can help is a good night’s sleep. You may very well be right on that matter, Cancer. RELATED: 


(November 22 - December 21) What you’ll be experiencing on this day is the feeling of ‘hurry up and wait.’ Nothing is panning out for you today. You woke up feeling good about your plans, and it appears that there is no possible way that your ideas will be able to go through. You may wish to involve yourself in something highly creative as you’ve put aside the time to do so, and yet, that time will be made up of a series of unstoppable obstacles. You may kick back and simply accept this, but you’ll find no real escape from your mind, which will kick in with many paranoia scenarios and delusions. Don’t assume the rest of the week will be like this; understand that this will pass and that we all have days like this. It’s not ’the shape of things to come.’ RELATED: 


(December 22 - January 19) You had a gut feeling that this day may not provide you with the ease you might have wished for, and so you’ve come prepared. In this case, ‘prepared’ means that you are willing to bow out of something you really wanted to participate in. What will cause resentment in you, and a bad mood to follow, is that you were given no choice. What messes up your day is a result of someone else’s choice and decision, and you find this both unfair and unreasonable. Yet, you are pragmatic and you’ll find a way to understand the circumstance, even if you vehemently disagree with how it’s come to pass. RELATED: 6 Overprotective Zodiac Signs Who Need To Loosen Their Grip Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda