With minimal transits and overall beneficial themes, it should be a day where we’re able to focus more on our hopes than our fears. The Sagittarian Sun is shining brightly helping us shake off some of that darkness that we put on in Scorpio Season. While it was necessary for us to walk that path in search of truth or any lingering shadows that we had to flush out, often it can feel heavy and disorientating making the transition to Sag energy a slow one. Sagittarius is the light returning after the darkness of Scorpio Season. We’re now coming to the surface and slowly studying it to see what has changed and why we feel so different. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week November 22 - 28, 2021 Creating a nice harmonizing vibe today with the Cancer Moon we should be able to not only feel like optimism is returning to our lives more but that we’re more at peace with our feelings. The Sagittarian Sun will allow us to explore the feelings brought up by the Cancer Moon in a very nonjudgmental or selective way making it a great day to process some of our residual emotions from Scorpio Season. Don’t forget we are still within the eclipse gateway between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses so anything can happen which means letting ourselves have all the feels and the time to process through them is important. Today is our last day of Mercury in Scorpio so it may be a last-ditch effort to get our truth out or be heard about something that’s close to our hearts, just try to be tactful of anything said as it does make a difference in how it’s received. We are slowly resetting our timelines in which we’re seeing things fall away and new opportunities or situations bloom in their place. Allow the changes to unfold for the next two weeks and trust that whatever comes is meant for you, and whatever isn’t is being removed for your highest good.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On November 23, 2021:


(June 21 - July 22) Today should feel like a great day to relax into what’s currently going on around you. No need to hide out in your shell or even fight for clarity over issues with those around you. It is just a very straightforward day that will have you embracing your feelings and seeing them for what they are instead of making them into something that they aren’t. This should feel very welcome after a rough past month or so. Just because you’re a water zodiac sign doesn’t mean Scorpio Season is always an easy time for you so today should feel like balance finally returning back to yourself and your life. It’s unlikely that Mercury will spur you to speak any truths today as you will be wanting to keep things light but that will actually work in your favor as it will be far more beneficial to wait once the planet of communication has moved into Sagittarius. If you do feel things, come up to talk about or ideas, it would be wiser to journal about them today and then sit with them for a bit as we get closer to the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in just a few weeks will be a better time to bring any lingering resolution to old situations. RELATED: 7 Smart Zodiac Signs Who Are Wise Beyond Their Years


(October 23 - November 21) You’re going to start to see the last of the game changer planets move from your zodiac sign forward into Sagittarius starting tomorrow which means that the time of big action or conversations will slow for a bit. This will allow you to really feel into what has come up for you during your solar return and better be able to make any new decisions moving forward. Today might have a sense of urgency about it for you as you might feel drawn to speak on something that you’ve had on your mind for quite some time. It’s a great day to do that, so don’t hesitate or think you have to put it off for another day if the opportunity arises. Just remember to speak your truth without assuming the truth of another and your message will get across exactly the point you’re hoping to make. It’s also a great day for you to reflect on things that you feel drawn to do, try or pursue. With Mars still in your sign making a sextile to Venus you would be in a great space to be able to take risks or to even just step out of your comfort zone to try something new. RELATED: 5 Emotional Zodiac Signs Who Are Always ‘In Their Feelings’


(November 22 - December 21) A surge of optimism should be infusing your chart today which is part of the change in energy from Scorpio to Sagittarius Season. It might take a bit to get used to or more accurately to trust. This is a normal feeling especially as the last month or so has been especially challenging for you as you saw pieces of your life fall away that you didn’t expect. As you get closer to the New Moon Solar Eclipse in your zodiac sign in just a few weeks you may see more fated events and pivotal moments occur. This is a good thing. It’s a changing of the guards so to speak as you are wrapping up a two-year cycle which means there are certain situations, people even beliefs that aren’t going to serve you moving forward. Let today’s energy reconnect you to your heart. Make time to feel what you’re feeling. Jot down your hopes and dreams for this next chapter and look for ways that you can let more light into your life. Today is a chance to see that everything you’ve been through has been for a purpose so that you can trust more of what’s to come. RELATED: What Each Of The Zodiac Signs Dream About Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.